AWS Auto Scaling: Setup, Best Practices, Tips

published on 01 August 2024

AWS Auto Scaling helps manage cloud resources automatically. Here's what you need to know:

  • What it does: Adjusts resources based on demand, keeps apps running smoothly, controls costs
  • Key components: Auto Scaling Groups, Launch Templates, Scaling Policies
  • Setup steps:
    1. Create Launch Template
    2. Set up Auto Scaling Group
    3. Configure scaling rules
    4. Connect to load balancer (optional)

Quick comparison of scaling methods:

Method Use Case How It Works
Target Tracking Maintain specific metric Adjusts to keep metric at target
Simple Scaling Basic threshold-based Adds/removes instances when metric crosses threshold
Step Scaling Gradual changes Uses multiple thresholds for fine-tuned scaling
Predictive Varying workloads Uses ML to forecast demand
Scheduled Known busy times Changes capacity at set times

Key tips:

  • Choose the right metrics and thresholds
  • Use multiple Availability Zones for reliability
  • Consider Spot Instances to reduce costs
  • Implement proper security measures
  • Monitor and optimize regularly

AWS Auto Scaling basics

AWS Auto Scaling

Key terms and ideas

AWS Auto Scaling helps manage resources for your apps. Here are some key terms:

Term Meaning
Scaling Changing the number of resources to match workloads
Auto Scaling Group (ASG) A set of EC2 instances that can be scaled together
Launch Template A blueprint for new EC2 instances in an ASG
Scaling Policy Rules that decide when to scale an ASG

How AWS Auto Scaling works

AWS Auto Scaling follows these steps:

  1. Monitoring: Tracks app workload using metrics like CPU use or request wait times
  2. Scaling Decision: Chooses whether to add or remove resources based on metrics
  3. Scaling Action: Starts or stops EC2 instances as needed

Main parts of AWS Auto Scaling

AWS Auto Scaling has three main parts:

  1. Auto Scaling Group (ASG)

    • Core part of AWS Auto Scaling
    • A group of EC2 instances that scale together
  2. Launch Template

    • Sets up new EC2 instances for the ASG
    • Replaces older launch configurations
  3. Scaling Policies

    • Decide when to scale the ASG
    • Three types:
      1. Target Tracking Scaling: Aims for a specific metric value
      2. Simple Scaling: Adds or removes instances based on a threshold
      3. Step Scaling: Uses predefined steps to adjust instance count

Here's a breakdown of scaling policy types:

Policy Type How it Works
Target Tracking Keeps a metric at a set value
Simple Scaling Adds or removes instances when a metric passes a threshold
Step Scaling Uses multiple thresholds to add or remove different numbers of instances

AWS Auto Scaling is part of the AWS Auto Scaling service. You only pay for the resources you use and CloudWatch monitoring fees.

AWS Auto Scaling helps:

  • Keep apps running smoothly
  • Use only the resources you need
  • Cut costs
  • Improve reliability

It's a useful tool for managing your app resources without constant manual work.

Setting up AWS Auto Scaling

What you need before starting

Before setting up AWS Auto Scaling, make sure you have:

  • An AWS account
  • Basic knowledge of AWS services like EC2 and Elastic Load Balancing
  • Proper permissions to manage Auto Scaling groups, launch templates, and scaling policies

Also, decide on:

Item Description
Instance type The kind of EC2 instance you'll use
VPC and subnets Where your instances will run
Instance limits Minimum and maximum number of instances
Scaling rules What triggers scaling and how it happens

How to create an Auto Scaling group

To set up an Auto Scaling group:

  1. Go to the AWS Management Console and find the Auto Scaling dashboard
  2. Click "Create Auto Scaling group" and name your group
  3. Pick a launch template for your instances
  4. Choose your VPC and subnets
  5. Set your minimum and maximum instance numbers
  6. Set up your scaling rules
  7. Check everything and create your group

Setting up launch templates

Launch templates tell AWS how to set up new instances. To make one:

  1. Go to the EC2 dashboard and click "Launch Templates"
  2. Click "Create launch template" and give it a name
  3. Pick an Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
  4. Choose your instance type
  5. Set any other options you need
  6. Check everything and create your template

Connecting with Elastic Load Balancing

Elastic Load Balancing

Elastic Load Balancing spreads traffic across your instances. To connect it to your Auto Scaling group:

  1. In the EC2 dashboard, click "Load Balancers"
  2. Click "Create Load Balancer" and pick a type
  3. Set up your load balancer, including VPC and subnets
  4. Pick the Auto Scaling group to connect
  5. Set any other options you need
  6. Check everything and create your load balancer

Tips for using AWS Auto Scaling well

Picking the right scaling measures

To use AWS Auto Scaling well, choose the right scaling measures. Pick metrics that show how busy your app is. AWS offers many metrics like:

  • CPU use
  • Number of requests
  • Response time

Pick the ones that fit your app best. For example:

App Type Good Metric
Web server Number of requests
Database CPU use

You can use more than one metric to decide when to scale.

Setting up checks and alerts

Set up checks and alerts to make sure your Auto Scaling group works well. Use health checks to find and replace broken instances. Set up alerts to tell you when scaling happens or when instances fail checks.

Use AWS tools like CloudWatch and SNS for checks and alerts. You can also use other tools to watch your Auto Scaling group and get alerts about problems.

Choosing the best instance types and sizes

Pick the right instance types and sizes to make sure your app has what it needs to run well. AWS has many types of instances, like:

  • General-purpose
  • Compute-focused
  • Memory-focused

Think about what your app needs when you choose. For example:

If your app needs Choose this type
High CPU use Compute-focused
Lots of memory Memory-focused

Using multiple zones for better uptime

Use multiple zones to keep your app running even if one zone has problems. AWS has many Availability Zones (AZs) in each region. Spread your instances across different AZs to keep your app up.

To do this with AWS Auto Scaling, just pick the AZs you want when you make your Auto Scaling group. AWS will spread your instances across them.

How to use Spot Instances to save money

Spot Instances can help you spend less on AWS. They're extra EC2 instances that AWS sells for less. AWS will stop your Spot Instances when the price goes above what you're willing to pay.

To use Spot Instances with Auto Scaling:

  1. When you make your Auto Scaling group, say how much you'll pay for Spot Instances
  2. AWS will start Spot Instances when the price is low enough
  3. AWS will stop them when the price gets too high

Here's why Spot Instances are good:

Benefit How it helps
Save money Pay up to 90% less for EC2
Use when you need AWS starts and stops them based on price
Grow and shrink Auto Scaling can add or remove Spot Instances as needed

Advanced Auto Scaling methods

Scaling based on future needs

AWS Auto Scaling can adjust resources based on predicted future needs. This uses machine learning to forecast demand and change capacity accordingly.

This works well for apps with changing workloads. It looks at past usage to prepare for future changes, helping avoid having too few or too many resources.

To use this:

  1. Gather data on how your app has been used in the past
  2. Make a predictive scaling policy in AWS Auto Scaling
  3. Set up the policy to change capacity based on what it predicts

Scaling on a set schedule

You can set AWS Auto Scaling to change resources at specific times. This helps when you know when your app will be busy.

For example, if your app gets busy every morning, you can set it to add more resources then.

To do this:

  1. Figure out when your app gets busy
  2. Make a scheduled scaling policy in AWS Auto Scaling
  3. Set the policy to change resources at those times

Scaling to meet specific goals

Step scaling lets you change resources based on specific measures. For example, you can add more resources when CPU use gets high.

This helps you meet exact performance goals.

To use step scaling:

  1. Choose what to measure (like CPU use)
  2. Make a step scaling policy in AWS Auto Scaling
  3. Set the policy to change resources based on your measures

Scaling in steps

Step scaling can also change resources bit by bit, not all at once. This is good when sudden changes might cause problems.

By changing slowly, you can better match what you need without overdoing it.

To set this up:

  1. Decide how much to change each time
  2. Make a step scaling policy in AWS Auto Scaling
  3. Set the policy to change resources in small steps

Here's a table comparing these scaling methods:

Scaling Method When to Use How It Works
Predictive For changing workloads Uses past data to guess future needs
Scheduled For known busy times Changes resources at set times
Step (Goal-based) To meet specific targets Changes based on exact measures
Step (Gradual) To avoid sudden changes Changes resources bit by bit

Ways to keep costs down

Finding the right mix of speed and cost

To save money with AWS Auto Scaling, you need to balance speed and cost. This means picking the right EC2 instances that work well but don't cost too much.

One way to save is by using Spot Instances. These are extra EC2 instances that cost less than regular ones. You can use them when you don't need as much power.

Here's an example of how Spot Instances can save money:

Instance Type Number of Instances Regular Cost (per month) Cost with Spot Instances Savings
c5.xlarge 10 $1,224 $416 66%

Using Reserved Instances and Savings Plans

Reserved Instances (RIs) and Savings Plans are two more ways to save money. They both give you a discount if you agree to use AWS for a certain amount of time.

Plan Type Discount How it Works
Reserved Instances Up to 72% Pay for a set amount of EC2 use
EC2 Instance Savings Plan Up to 72% Like RIs, but more flexible
Compute Savings Plan Up to 66% Can use with different AWS services

To use these plans well, you need to know how much AWS you use. This helps you pick the right plan and save the most money.

Setting rules to stop unused resources

Another way to save money is to turn off resources you're not using. You can do this by setting up rules in AWS.

For example, you can make a rule that turns off EC2 instances when they're not busy. This way, you only pay for what you use.

Here's how to set up a rule to turn off unused instances:

  1. Use CloudWatch to check how busy your instances are
  2. Make a rule that turns off instances when they're not busy
  3. Use Auto Scaling to turn instances on and off based on the rule

This can help you save a lot of money by not paying for resources you don't need.

Auto Scaling for different types of work

Scaling for websites

AWS Auto Scaling helps websites handle changing traffic. It adds or removes resources as needed, keeping your site running well and saving money.

Here's how to use Auto Scaling for a website:

  1. Make an Auto Scaling group for your website's parts
  2. Set up rules for when to add or remove resources
  3. Use CloudWatch to watch your traffic and start the scaling

This keeps your website working well, even when it's busy.

Traffic Level Auto Scaling Action
Low Remove resources
Normal Keep current setup
High Add resources

Scaling for batch jobs

Auto Scaling also works for batch jobs like data processing. It helps jobs finish faster and cuts costs.

To use Auto Scaling for batch jobs:

  1. Create an Auto Scaling group for your job's resources
  2. Set up rules for when to scale
  3. Use CloudWatch to start scaling when the job begins or ends

This helps your jobs run quickly and cheaply.

Job Phase Auto Scaling Action
Start Add resources
Running Adjust as needed
End Remove resources

Scaling for microservices

Auto Scaling works well for microservices too. It helps handle changing traffic for things like API requests.

To scale a microservice:

  1. Make an Auto Scaling group for your microservice
  2. Set up rules for when to scale
  3. Use CloudWatch to watch traffic and start scaling

This keeps your microservice working well for users.

Traffic Level Auto Scaling Action
Low Scale down
Medium Maintain
High Scale up

Fixing common Auto Scaling problems

Finding out why scaling isn't working

When Auto Scaling doesn't work as expected, follow these steps to find the problem:

  1. Check the Auto Scaling group setup
  2. Look at CloudWatch metrics and alarms
  3. Review the Auto Scaling group's activity history
Check What to look for
Group setup Correct desired capacity, min/max limits, scaling rules
CloudWatch Proper metric setup, alarm triggers
Activity history Errors or issues blocking scaling

Dealing with capacity issues

Capacity problems can happen when:

  • Desired capacity is outside min/max limits
  • Scaling doesn't happen as expected

To fix these issues:

  1. Change desired capacity to fit within limits
  2. Adjust min/max limits if needed
  3. Check scaling rules and CloudWatch settings
Problem Fix
Capacity outside limits Adjust desired capacity
Scaling not working Check rules and CloudWatch

Fixing unhealthy instances

Unhealthy instances can stop Auto Scaling from working right. Here's how to fix them:

  1. Find the cause by checking logs and metrics
  2. Fix the problem (restart, update, or replace the instance)
  3. Make sure the instance is working after fixing it
Step Action
Find the cause Check logs and metrics
Fix the problem Restart, update, or replace
Confirm fix Verify instance is working

Keeping Auto Scaling secure

Setting up the right IAM roles and rules

To keep Auto Scaling safe, set up the right IAM roles and rules:

  1. Make a new IAM role for your Auto Scaling group
  2. Add the right policies to the IAM role
  3. Let the Auto Scaling service use the role
Step What to do
Make IAM role Create role with needed permissions
Add policies Put in managed or custom policies
Allow Auto Scaling Let Auto Scaling use the role

Making network access safe

Keep network access safe with these steps:

  • Use security groups to control traffic
  • Use network ACLs to add more safety
  • Watch network traffic for odd things
Step What to do
Use security groups Set up groups to allow only needed traffic
Use network ACLs Set up ACLs to allow or block traffic
Watch network traffic Use CloudWatch and CloudTrail to spot odd activity

Protecting data in use and storage

Keep data safe when it's being used and stored:

  • Use encryption to keep data secret
  • Store data in safe places
  • Control who can see the data
Step What to do
Use encryption Use KMS to keep data secret
Use safe storage Use S3 or EBS to store data
Control access Use IAM roles and policies to control who sees data

Making Auto Scaling work better

Improving scaling rules

To make Auto Scaling work better, try these tips:

  • Pick good metrics to trigger scaling
  • Set the right thresholds for your metrics
  • Use cooldown periods to stop too-fast scaling
  • Test your rules to make sure they work
Step What to do
Pick metrics Choose metrics that show when to scale
Set thresholds Decide when to start scaling
Add cooldowns Wait between scaling actions
Test rules Make sure everything works right

Getting apps ready for scaling

To prepare your apps for scaling:

  • Build apps that can grow easily
  • Use load balancers to spread out traffic
  • Use auto scaling groups to manage instances
  • Keep an eye on your apps
Step What to do
Build for growth Make apps that can handle more users
Spread traffic Use load balancers to share work
Manage instances Use auto scaling groups
Watch apps Check that apps are working well

Dealing with sudden traffic jumps

To handle big traffic increases:

  • Use predictive scaling to get ready early
  • Use dynamic scaling to respond quickly
  • Spread traffic across many instances
  • Keep watching your apps
Step What to do
Plan ahead Use predictive scaling
React fast Use dynamic scaling
Share the load Use load balancers
Stay alert Keep checking your apps

Watching and understanding Auto Scaling

Using CloudWatch to track and alert


CloudWatch helps you keep an eye on your Auto Scaling. It can tell you when something needs your attention.

To set up CloudWatch alerts for Auto Scaling:

  1. Go to the CloudWatch console
  2. Click "Alarms" on the left
  3. Click "Create Alarm" and pick "Auto Scaling"
  4. Choose your Auto Scaling group and what to watch (like CPU use)
  5. Set when to alert you

This helps you know when to check on your app.

Making your own tracking measures

You can also make your own ways to watch Auto Scaling. This means looking at data from your instances and groups.

You could:

  • See how long it takes to start or stop instances
  • Check how much CPU, memory, or disk space is used
  • Make charts to see Auto Scaling data easily

This helps you understand your Auto Scaling better.

Looking at scaling events to plan better

Scaling events show you when Auto Scaling adds or removes instances. By looking at these events, you can make Auto Scaling work better for you.

Types of scaling events:

Event Type What It Means
Scaling up/down Instances added or removed
Instance start/stop New instances start or old ones stop
Policy trigger Something (like high CPU use) causes scaling

Using Auto Scaling with other AWS tools

Auto Scaling with AWS Lambda

AWS Lambda

AWS Lambda works with Auto Scaling to handle more or fewer function calls as needed. This keeps your app working well when it's busy or quiet.

To use Auto Scaling with Lambda:

  1. Go to the AWS Console and find Auto Scaling
  2. Make a new Auto Scaling group for your Lambda function
  3. Set up rules for when to add or remove function instances
  4. Choose what to measure (like how many times the function runs)

Here's an example of scaling based on function calls:

Function Calls Action
Many Add more function instances
Few Remove function instances

Auto Scaling for ECS and EKS

ECS and EKS use Auto Scaling to manage container apps. This helps your app work well when it's busy or quiet.

To use Auto Scaling with ECS or EKS:

  1. Go to the AWS Console and find Auto Scaling
  2. Make a new Auto Scaling group for your container app
  3. Set up rules for when to add or remove containers
  4. Choose what to measure (like how much CPU is used)

Here's an example of scaling based on CPU use:

CPU Use Action
High Add more containers
Low Remove containers

Auto Scaling for RDS and DynamoDB

RDS and DynamoDB use Auto Scaling to manage database size. This helps your database work well when it's busy or quiet.

To use Auto Scaling with RDS or DynamoDB:

  1. Go to the AWS Console and find Auto Scaling
  2. Make a new Auto Scaling group for your database
  3. Set up rules for when to make the database bigger or smaller
  4. Choose what to measure (like how much CPU is used)

Here's an example of scaling for RDS:

CPU Use Action
High Add more database power
Low Reduce database power

For DynamoDB, you can scale read and write capacity:

Table Use Action
Busy Add more read/write capacity
Quiet Reduce read/write capacity


Main points to remember

AWS Auto Scaling helps manage cloud resources. Here are key things to keep in mind:

  • Pick the right scaling plan for your app
  • Find important measures and limits for good auto-scaling
  • Use both dynamic and predictive scaling for best results
  • Use Auto Scaling with other AWS tools like Elastic Load Balancing and CloudWatch

Following these tips helps keep your AWS resources ready and working well, even when workloads change.

What's next for Auto Scaling

AWS keeps improving, so Auto Scaling will likely get better too. Here are some possible future updates:

Area Possible Improvements
Predictive scaling Better guessing of future needs
Working with other AWS tools Easier use with Lambda and SageMaker
Special cases Support for things like IoT devices

It's good to stay up-to-date with new Auto Scaling features. This helps keep your apps and resources running well.


How to configure Auto Scaling?

Setting up Auto Scaling in AWS involves these steps:

1. Log into AWS

  • Go to the AWS Management Console
  • New users may get free EC2 use (with limits)

2. Make a Launch Template

  • Go to EC2 Console > Launch Templates
  • Set up:
    • Template name
    • Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
    • Instance types
    • Security group (virtual firewall)

3. Set up Auto Scaling Group (ASG)

  • Use the Auto Scaling wizard
  • Choose:
    • ASG name
    • Size
    • Network

4. Add Load Balancer (if needed)

  • Helps spread out traffic
  • Set up Elastic Load Balancing (ELB)
  • Connect ELB to your ASG

5. Set Scaling Rules (if needed)

  • Decide when to add or remove instances

Here's a quick look at the steps:

Step What to Do
1 Log into AWS
2 Make Launch Template
3 Set up ASG
4 Add Load Balancer (optional)
5 Set Scaling Rules (optional)

These steps help you set up Auto Scaling to manage your AWS resources as needed.

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