Test Serverless Apps Locally with AWS SAM CLI

published on 30 July 2024

AWS SAM CLI lets you test serverless apps on your computer before deploying to AWS. Here's what you need to know:

  • Install AWS SAM CLI, AWS CLI, Python, and Docker
  • Create a new SAM project and understand the template file
  • Test Lambda functions, API Gateway, and event-driven apps locally
  • Use advanced features like custom runtimes, Step Functions, and Lambda layers

Key benefits of local testing:

  • Find and fix issues quickly
  • Save time and money on cloud testing
  • Test thoroughly before AWS deployment
Feature Description
Local running Test functions without AWS account
Debugging Use breakpoints to find issues
Testing Check app functionality locally
Deployment Push tested app to AWS

Follow best practices like organizing code, handling environment variables, and simulating AWS services for effective local testing. Common issues include permissions, dependencies, and Docker-related problems, but solutions are available.

AWS SAM CLI basics


What is AWS SAM CLI?

AWS SAM CLI is a tool for building, testing, and deploying serverless apps on AWS. It works with the AWS SAM framework to help developers create and manage serverless apps. With SAM CLI, you can work on your apps locally before putting them on AWS.

SAM CLI lets you:

  • Make new serverless projects
  • Build and package apps
  • Run functions on your computer
  • Test and fix bugs in your apps
  • Put your apps on AWS

Main features of AWS SAM CLI

Here are the key things SAM CLI can do:

Feature Description
Local running Use serverless functions on your computer without an AWS account
Debugging Find and fix problems in your code with tools like breakpoints
Testing Check if your app works correctly using built-in testing features
Deployment Put your app on AWS using SAM CLI

How AWS SAM CLI helps with local testing

SAM CLI makes local testing better in these ways:

  • Faster: Test your apps quickly without using AWS
  • Cheaper: Save money by not using AWS resources for testing
  • Easier: Work on your app without needing an AWS account
  • More accurate: Test your app in a setup that's close to the real thing

By using SAM CLI for local testing, you can:

  • Try out new ideas quickly
  • Find and fix problems in your code
  • Make sure your app works well before putting it on AWS

Before you start

Setting up an AWS account

To use AWS SAM CLI, you need an AWS account. Here's how to create one:

  1. Visit AWS website
  2. Click "Create an AWS account"
  3. Fill out the form
  4. Verify your email
  5. Provide payment info

Installing AWS CLI


AWS CLI lets you manage AWS services from your computer. To install:

Operating System Installation Steps
Windows 1. Download installer from AWS website
2. Run installer
macOS (Homebrew) Run: brew install awscli
Linux Run: sudo apt-get install awscli

After installing, run aws configure to set up your account.

Setting up Python


AWS SAM CLI needs Python. To set it up:

  1. Download Python from Python website
  2. Install Python 3.6 or later
  3. Check installation: Run python --version

Installing Docker


Docker helps run serverless apps locally. To install:

Operating System Installation Steps
Windows/macOS 1. Download installer from Docker website
2. Run installer
Linux Run: sudo apt-get install docker.io

Check installation: Run docker --version

Installing AWS SAM CLI

Installation steps for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Here's how to install AWS SAM CLI on different operating systems:

Operating System Installation Steps
Windows 1. Download the MSI installer from AWS SAM CLI GitHub releases
2. Run the installer
3. Follow the prompts
macOS (Homebrew) Run these commands:
brew tap aws/tap
brew install aws-sam-cli
Linux (Ubuntu) Run these commands:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install aws-sam-cli

After installing, open a new command prompt or terminal window.

Checking your installation

To make sure AWS SAM CLI is working:

  1. Open your terminal or command prompt
  2. Type this command:
sam --version
  1. You should see the version number of AWS SAM CLI

If you have problems, check the AWS SAM CLI troubleshooting guide for help.

Setting up your development environment

To test serverless apps locally with AWS SAM CLI, you need to set up your development environment. This section will show you how to set up AWS credentials, make a new SAM project, and understand the SAM template file.

Setting up AWS credentials

To use AWS services, you need to set up your AWS credentials. You can do this in two ways:

  1. Create a credentials file:

    • Make a new file named credentials in the ~/.aws/ folder

    • Add your AWS access key ID and secret access key like this:

      aws_access_key_id = YOUR_ACCESS_KEY_ID
      aws_secret_access_key = YOUR_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
  2. Use AWS CLI:

    • Run aws configure in your terminal
    • Follow the steps to enter your AWS access key ID and secret access key

Creating a new SAM project

To make a new SAM project:

  1. Open your terminal
  2. Run sam init
  3. Choose a project template when asked
  4. SAM will create a new folder with your project files

Understanding the SAM template file

The SAM template file (template.yaml) defines your serverless app. It includes details about your Lambda functions, API Gateway, and other resources.

Here's a simple SAM template file:

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31

    Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
      FunctionName:!Sub 'hello-world-${AWS::Region}'
      Runtime: nodejs14.x
      Handler: index.handler
      CodeUri: hello-world/

This template defines a Lambda function called HelloWorldFunction. It uses Node.js and is in the hello-world/ folder.

In the next part, we'll look at how to test your serverless app locally using SAM CLI.


Testing locally with SAM CLI

Testing serverless apps locally with AWS SAM CLI helps you find and fix problems before putting your app on AWS.

Running Lambda functions locally

To run a Lambda function on your computer:

  1. Go to your SAM project folder
  2. Use this command:
sam local invoke FunctionName

This runs the function and shows the result in your terminal.

To use test data:

sam local invoke FunctionName --event event.json

This runs the function with data from the event.json file.

Testing API Gateway locally

To test API Gateway on your computer:

  1. Use this command:
sam local start-api
  1. Test your API with a tool like curl:
curl http://localhost:3000/hello

This sends a GET request to /hello and shows the response.

Testing event-driven apps

To test event-driven apps:

  1. Make a sample event:
sam local generate-event s3 > event.json
  1. Use the event to test your function:
sam local invoke FunctionName --event event.json

Finding and fixing problems

SAM CLI helps you find and fix problems in your app:

Tool Command What it does
Debugging sam local invoke FunctionName --debug Lets you step through your code
Logs sam local logs FunctionName Shows logs for your function

Use these tools to check your app and make sure it works well before putting it on AWS.

Advanced SAM CLI features

Using custom runtimes

AWS SAM CLI lets you use custom runtimes for specific programming needs. A custom runtime is a package that includes the language runtime, libraries, and dependencies your app needs. With custom runtimes, you can:

  • Use languages or frameworks not supported by AWS Lambda
  • Make your app run faster with a custom-compiled runtime
  • Use specific versions of languages or libraries not available in standard AWS Lambda

To create a custom runtime:

  1. Make a Docker image with your required language runtime, libraries, and dependencies
  2. Add a runtime section to your template.yaml file that points to the custom runtime image
  3. Use sam build to create a deployment package with the custom runtime

Here's an example of a runtime section in template.yaml:

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
    Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
      Handler: index.handler
      Runtime: nodejs14.x
      CodeUri: .
          BUCKET_NAME: !Sub 'my-bucket-${AWS::Region}'
          Type: Api
            Path: '/my-path'
            Method: get
    Type: AWS::EC2::Image
      Name: my-custom-runtime
      Description: Custom Node.js 14.x runtime
        - DeviceName: /dev/xvda
            VolumeSize: 30
            VolumeType: gp2
            DeleteOnTermination: true
      InstanceType: t2.micro
      ImageLocation: my-custom-runtime-image

In this example, CustomRuntime defines a custom Node.js 14.x runtime image used by MyFunction.

Working with Step Functions

AWS SAM CLI works with AWS Step Functions to coordinate parts of distributed apps and microservices. Step Functions let you:

  • Define a state machine to control your app components
  • Use a visual tool to design and fix your state machine
  • Work with other AWS services like Lambda, S3, and DynamoDB

To use Step Functions with AWS SAM CLI:

  1. Add a StepFunction resource to your template.yaml file
  2. Use sam build to make a deployment package with the Step Functions state machine
  3. Use sam deploy to put your app on AWS, creating the state machine and setting up roles and permissions

Here's an example of a StepFunction resource in template.yaml:

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
    Type: AWS::StepFunctions::StateMachine
      DefinitionString: !Sub |
          "StartAt": "FirstState",
          "States": {
            "FirstState": {
              "Type": "Task",
              "Resource": "${MyFunction}",
              "Next": "SecondState"
            "SecondState": {
              "Type": "Task",
              "Resource": "${MyOtherFunction}",
              "End": true
      RoleArn: !GetAtt 'MyExecutionRole.Arn'
    Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
      Handler: index.handler
      Runtime: nodejs14.x
      CodeUri: .
          BUCKET_NAME: !Sub 'my-bucket-${AWS::Region}'
          Type: Api
            Path: '/my-path'
            Method: get
    Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
      Handler: index.handler
      Runtime: nodejs14.x
      CodeUri: .
          BUCKET_NAME: !Sub 'my-bucket-${AWS::Region}'
          Type: Api
            Path: '/my-other-path'
            Method: get

This example shows MyStepFunction controlling two Lambda functions, MyFunction and MyOtherFunction.

Using Lambda layers

AWS SAM CLI supports Lambda layers, which let you package app dependencies in a separate layer for reuse across functions. Lambda layers help you:

  • Share dependencies across multiple functions
  • Provide the same dependencies for multiple functions
  • Make your deployment package smaller by excluding shared dependencies

To use Lambda layers with AWS SAM CLI:

  1. Add a LayerVersion resource to your template.yaml file
  2. Use sam build to create a deployment package with the layer
  3. Use sam deploy to put your app on AWS, creating the layer and setting up roles and permissions

Here's an example of a LayerVersion resource in template.yaml:

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
    Type: AWS::Serverless::LayerVersion
      LayerName: !Sub 'my-layer-${AWS::Region}'
      Description: My layer
        S3Bucket: !Sub 'my-bucket-${AWS::Region}'
        S3Key: my-layer.zip
        - nodejs14.x
      LicenseInfo: MIT
    Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
      Handler: index.handler
      Runtime: nodejs14.x
      CodeUri: .
          BUCKET_NAME: !Sub 'my-bucket-${AWS::Region}'
          Type: Api
            Path: '/my-path'
            Method: get
        - !Ref MyLayer

In this example, MyLayer is a layer with shared dependencies, and MyFunction uses this layer for its dependencies.

Best practices for local testing

Organizing your code for testing

When testing serverless apps locally, organize your code well. This helps you test and fix problems easily. Here's what to do:

Practice Description
Split code into modules Break code into small, separate parts
Use clear names Name files, functions, and variables clearly
Make code reusable Write code that can be used in different parts of your app

These practices make your code easier to test, fix, and use.

Handling environment variables

Environment variables let you change how your app works without changing the code. Here's how to use them when testing locally:

Practice Description
Use a .env file Keep environment variables in one file
Name variables clearly Use names that show what each variable does
Keep secrets safe Store sensitive info like API keys separately

These practices help you manage environment variables well and keep your app safe.

Simulating AWS services

Testing how your app works with AWS services is important. Here's how to do it:

Practice Description
Use AWS SAM CLI Test with API Gateway and Lambda on your computer
Use mocking tools Test with other AWS services not in SAM CLI
Check for problems Test what happens when things go wrong

These practices help you make sure your app works well with AWS services before you put it online.

Common issues and solutions

Fixing permission problems

When testing serverless apps locally with AWS SAM CLI, you might face permission issues. Here's how to fix them:

Problem Solution
IAM permissions Check your IAM user or role has the right permissions
AWS credentials Run aws sts get-caller-identity to verify your credentials
AWS region Use the correct region in samconfig.toml or with --region option

Resolving dependency conflicts

To manage library dependencies:

Method Description
Virtual environment Use virtualenv or conda to isolate project dependencies
requirements.txt List all needed dependencies in this file
Dependency manager Use pip or npm to handle dependencies and versions

Common Docker problems and fixes:

Issue Solution
Docker not installed Download and install from Docker website
Docker not running Check status with docker ps command
Permission issues Add user to Docker group: sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
Missing Docker image Pull image from Docker Hub: docker pull <image-name>

These tips should help you tackle common problems when using AWS SAM CLI for local testing.


Key points to remember

We covered how to test serverless apps locally using AWS SAM CLI. Here's what we learned:

Topic Details
Setup AWS account, AWS CLI, Docker
AWS SAM CLI basics Main features, local testing benefits
Development environment AWS credentials, new SAM project
Local testing methods Lambda functions, API Gateway, event-driven apps

The value of local testing

Testing locally is important for serverless apps. It helps developers:

  • Find and fix problems early
  • Test code before putting it on AWS
  • Save time and money

AWS SAM CLI makes local testing easier by:

  • Copying the AWS setup on your computer
  • Letting you test and fix code locally

To sum up, local testing is key for making good serverless apps. AWS SAM CLI is a helpful tool for this. By following the steps in this article, you can set up local testing and start improving your serverless apps today.

Best Practices for Local Testing

Practice Description
Test thoroughly Check everything before putting it on AWS
Use AWS SAM CLI Copy AWS on your computer
Set up correctly Get AWS login info and make a new SAM project
Test all parts Check Lambda, API Gateway, and event-driven apps
Use debugging tools Fix problems with AWS SAM CLI


How do I test a serverless application locally?

You can test a serverless application on your computer using AWS SAM CLI. Here's how:

1. Install AWS SAM CLI

  • Go to the AWS website
  • Follow the steps to install AWS SAM CLI

2. Make a SAM project

  • Use AWS SAM CLI to create a new project
  • This gives you a basic setup for your app

3. Write your app code

  • Create Lambda functions
  • Set up API Gateway
  • Add any other needed code

4. Test your app

  • Use sam local start-api to run a local API Gateway
  • Use sam local invoke to run Lambda functions

By doing this, you can check your app before putting it on AWS.

Why test locally? How it helps
Quick feedback See if your code works right away
Save money Fewer uploads to AWS means lower costs
Better code Find and fix problems early

Testing your app locally with AWS SAM CLI is a key part of making serverless apps. It helps you spot issues quickly and cheaply, leading to better apps overall.

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