AWS Backup Cost Optimization Guide 2024

published on 07 July 2024

Here's how to cut your AWS Backup costs while keeping your data safe:

  • Understand AWS Backup pricing: Pay-as-you-go model with base costs, storage costs, and extra charges
  • Use basic cost-saving methods:
    • Choose right backup size
    • Set up lifecycle rules
    • Pick best storage classes
    • Optimize backup frequency and retention
  • Try advanced techniques:
  • Analyze costs with AWS Cost Explorer and Budgets
  • Save on specific services (EBS, RDS, S3, EFS)
  • Manage long-term costs through regular reviews
  • Balance costs and data protection

Quick Comparison of AWS Backup Storage Classes:

Storage Class Best For Cost Access Speed
S3 Standard Frequent use Higher Fastest
S3 IA Infrequent use Medium Fast
S3 Glacier Rare use Lower Slow
Deep Archive Long-term storage Lowest Slowest

By following these tips, you can cut AWS Backup costs while keeping your data protected.

AWS Backup Pricing Basics

AWS Backup

How AWS Backup Pricing Works

AWS Backup uses a pay-as-you-go model. You only pay for what you use. The pricing has three main parts:

  1. Base costs
  2. Storage costs
  3. Extra charges

Base costs cover using AWS Backup. Storage costs depend on how much data you store. Extra charges apply for data transfers, API requests, and other services.

What Affects Backup Costs

Several things can change your AWS Backup costs:

  • Amount of data backed up
  • How often you make backups
  • How long you keep backups
  • Which storage class you use
  • Moving data between regions or accounts
  • Number of API requests

Main Cost Components

Here's a breakdown of the main costs in AWS Backup:

Cost Component What It Covers
Storage Keeping your backups in AWS Backup
Data Transfer Moving data between regions or accounts
API Requests Costs for GET, LIST, and other API calls
Other Charges Cross-region and cross-account backups

Understanding these costs helps you manage your AWS Backup expenses. Next, we'll look at ways to save money on your backups.

Basic Cost-Saving Methods

Here are some simple ways to save money on AWS Backup:

Choosing the Right Backup Size

Don't back up more than you need. Look at:

  • How much data you have
  • How fast it's growing
  • How long you need to keep it

This helps you pick the right size and avoid paying for extra space.

Using Lifecycle Rules

Lifecycle rules help move data to cheaper storage over time. This works well for data you don't use often. You can set up rules to:

  • Move old backups to less expensive storage
  • Delete backups you no longer need

This saves money without losing important data.

Picking the Best Storage Classes

AWS has different storage types for different needs:

Storage Class Best For Cost
S3 Standard Data you use often Higher
S3 IA Data you use sometimes Medium
S3 Glacier Data you rarely use Lower
Deep Archive Long-term storage Lowest

Choose the right type to balance cost and how quickly you can access your data.

Setting Backup Frequency and Retention

How often you back up and how long you keep backups affects your costs. Consider:

  • How important the data is
  • How often it changes
  • How quickly you need to recover it
Backup Type Frequency Retention Best For
Full Weekly 1 month Critical data
Incremental Daily 1 week Changing data
Archive Monthly 1 year Compliance

Find the right mix to protect your data without overspending.

Advanced Cost-Saving Techniques

Let's look at some more complex ways to cut down on backup costs. These methods are for users who know AWS well.

Cross-Region and Cross-Account Backups

Storing backups in different regions and accounts can save money and help you follow rules. Here's what you can do:

  • Keep backups in multiple places for faster recovery
  • Follow laws about where data must be stored
  • Save money by using cheaper storage in some regions
  • Make your backups safer by spreading them out

To set this up, use AWS Backup's built-in tools and AWS Organizations.

Backup Policies and Rules

Setting up rules for backups helps you manage costs and stay organized. Good backup policies let you:

  • Choose how often to back up and how long to keep data
  • Make backups happen on their own
  • Follow laws and industry rules
  • Save money by getting rid of old backups

Use AWS Backup's policy tools to make these rules. Use AWS IAM to control who can do what with backups.

Automating Backups

Making backups happen on their own saves time and cuts down on mistakes. Try using:

  • AWS CLI and SDKs to run backups without you
  • AWS Lambda to start backups and send alerts
  • AWS CloudWatch to keep an eye on your backups
  • Other tools that work with AWS to make backups easier

When backups run on their own, you can focus on other work. It also makes sure backups happen the same way every time.

Using AWS Organizations for Backups

AWS Organizations

Managing backups for many AWS accounts in one place helps save money and use resources better. AWS Organizations lets you:

  • Control multiple accounts from one screen
  • Make backup rules that work for all your accounts
  • See what's happening with backups across accounts
  • Use storage and other resources more wisely
Feature Benefit
Central dashboard Manage all accounts easily
Shared policies Apply the same rules everywhere
Cross-account monitoring See the big picture of your backups
Resource optimization Use what you have more efficiently

Use AWS Organizations to make backup management simpler, cheaper, and safer across all your accounts.

Tools to Analyze Backup Costs

AWS offers tools to help you track and manage your backup costs. Let's look at three main options: AWS Cost Explorer, AWS Budgets, and tools from other companies.

Using AWS Cost Explorer

AWS Cost Explorer

AWS Cost Explorer helps you see and understand your costs and usage. With it, you can:

  • Look at your costs and usage on a graph
  • Make your own reports about costs and usage
  • Find out what's causing your costs to go up or down

You can see your data by the hour or by each resource. This lets you dig deep into your costs and usage.

Setting Up AWS Budgets

AWS Budgets

AWS Budgets helps you plan and keep an eye on your AWS costs and usage. It lets you:

  • Set up daily and monthly cost limits
  • Get alerts when you spend more than planned
  • Watch your costs and usage over time
  • Find ways to save money

You can also get tips on using reserved instances to save more.

Tools from Other Companies

Besides AWS tools, there are other tools that can help you manage your backup costs. These tools often offer:

Feature Description
Cost reports Detailed breakdowns of your spending
Cost predictions Estimates of future costs
Resource suggestions Tips on how to use your resources better
Reserved instance help Ways to manage your reserved instances

Some popular tools are ParkMyCloud, Cloudability, and AWS Cost Analyzer. When picking a tool, think about how easy it is to use, how accurate it is, and if it works well with your AWS setup.


Cost-Saving for Specific AWS Services

Here's how to save money on backups for different AWS services.

Saving on EBS Backups

To cut costs on Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) backups:

  • Move data from EBS to S3 for cheaper storage
  • Use lifecycle policies to:
    • Move data to less expensive storage classes
    • Delete old snapshots
  • Reduce data transfer costs between AWS services

Reducing RDS Backup Costs

For Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) backups:

Action Benefit
Use cost allocation tags Track backup storage costs
Delete unneeded manual snapshots Free up storage space
Keep short retention periods Meet recovery needs without excess
Downsize instance types Lower costs (check impact on performance)

Cutting S3 Backup Expenses

To save on Amazon S3 backups:

1. Pick the right storage class:

Storage Class Best For
S3 Standard Frequently accessed data
S3 Standard-IA Less often accessed data
S3 Intelligent-Tiering Changing access patterns

2. Use S3 One Zone-IA in a second region for backup copies

3. Watch out for extra charges:

  • Replication PUT requests
  • S3 retrieval charges
  • Data transfer between regions

Lowering EFS Backup Costs

For Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) backups:

  • Use AWS Backup to manage backups from one place
  • Set up rules to move older data to cheaper storage
  • Try AWS Backup's EFS features to make management easier and less expensive

Long-Term Cost Management

Managing AWS backup costs over time is key to keeping your expenses in check. Here's how to do it:

Regular Cost Reviews

Check your backup costs often:

  • Look at your usage and spending
  • Find ways to cut costs
  • Use AWS tools to track expenses
  • Try third-party tools for deeper insights

FinOps for Backup Management

Use FinOps to link money and cloud use:

FinOps Principle How It Helps
Track spending Know where your money goes
Set budgets Keep costs under control
Match costs to needs Pay only for what you use
Team responsibility Everyone helps save money

Watching for Cost Spikes

Keep an eye out for sudden cost increases:

  • Set up alerts for unusual spending
  • Check costs regularly
  • Act fast when you see a spike
  • Find out why costs went up
  • Fix issues quickly to save money

Balancing Costs and Data Protection

Finding the right mix between saving money and keeping data safe is key when using AWS backup. Here's how to do it:

Assessing Data Importance

Not all data needs the same level of backup. By sorting your data, you can use your backup resources wisely and save money.

Data Type How Often to Back Up How Long to Keep
Must-have Every day 1 year
Important Once a week 6 months
Less important Once a month 3 months

Meeting Compliance Rules

Following rules while keeping costs down can be tricky. Here's what you can do:

  • Use lifecycle rules to move data to cheaper storage over time
  • Pick cost-effective storage types
  • Use AWS Backup and AWS Storage Gateway to help meet rules and save money

Planning for Disasters on a Budget

You can prepare for disasters without spending too much. Try these:

  • Use AWS Lambda for automatic backups
  • Store backups in Amazon S3 for low-cost storage
  • Test your recovery plan regularly to make sure it works

Future of AWS Backup Cost Savings

As AWS backup technology grows, new ways to save money are coming. Let's look at what's ahead for backup cost savings.

AI for Backup Cost Prediction

AI tools can help you guess future backup costs by looking at how you use backups now. These tools can:

  • Find ways you're wasting money
  • Suggest how to cut costs
  • Spot unused backups
  • Help you plan your budget

Serverless Backup Options

Serverless backups are becoming more popular. They can help you save money because:

Feature Benefit
No servers to manage Less work for you
Pay only for what you use Lower costs
Easy to scale up or down Fits your changing needs
Focus on your main work Not on backup details

New AWS Backup Features

AWS keeps adding new ways to save on backups. Some new features are:

  • Lifecycle management: Moves old backups to cheaper storage
  • Cross-region backups: Lets you keep backups in different places
  • Cross-account backups: Helps manage backups across many AWS accounts

To save the most money, keep an eye out for new AWS Backup features as they come out.


To wrap up, keeping AWS backup costs low needs smart planning, good use of resources, and regular checks. By using the money-saving tips in this guide, you can cut your AWS backup costs while still keeping your data safe.

Remember, saving money on backups is an ongoing job. You need to:

  • Check and update your backup plans often
  • Use tools to make backups happen on their own
  • Keep an eye on your costs to find ways to save

As you work on lowering your AWS backup costs, keep these key points in mind:

Action Why It's Important
Review backup policies Ensures you're not wasting money
Use automation Makes backups easier and less prone to mistakes
Watch your costs Helps you spot where you can save
Learn about new features Keeps you up to date with the best ways to save


How is AWS backup pricing determined?

AWS Backup charges you based on how much storage your backups use. They calculate this by looking at the average amount of storage you use throughout the month, measured in GB-Month.

What are some ways to lower AWS backup costs?

Here are some effective methods to reduce your AWS backup expenses:

Method Description
Use lifecycle policies Move data to cheaper storage over time
Reduce data size Use techniques like deduplication and compression
Clean up old snapshots Remove unused backups to free up space
Set retention policies Automatically delete old backups after a set time
Minimize data transfer Use AWS Direct Connect or VPN for large transfers

How can I cut storage costs for AWS backups?

To lower your AWS backup storage costs:

1. Use incremental backups

  • Only back up changes, not entire datasets each time

2. Set up lifecycle management

  • Move older backups to cheaper storage classes

3. Try Amazon S3 Glacier or Deep Archive

  • These options cost less for long-term storage

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