Analyze Legacy Code for AWS Migration: 5 Strategies

published on 06 July 2024

Here's a quick guide to analyzing legacy code for AWS migration:

  1. Static Code Analysis: Find bugs and security issues without running the code
  2. Dynamic Code Analysis: Test complex apps and performance by running the code
  3. Dependency Mapping: Show how code parts connect to find problem areas
  4. Complexity Check: Measure how hard code is to understand and simplify it
  5. AWS Compatibility Check: Ensure code works with AWS

Quick Comparison:

Strategy Purpose Key Benefit
Static Analysis Find bugs without running code Early issue detection
Dynamic Analysis Test performance while running Real-world behavior insights
Dependency Mapping Visualize code connections Identify bottlenecks
Complexity Check Measure code difficulty Simplify hard-to-maintain parts
AWS Compatibility Verify AWS readiness Smooth migration

These strategies help you spot issues, improve code, and ensure a smooth move to AWS. By using them, you can find and fix problems, reduce risks, and make your AWS migration easier.

What is Legacy Code Analysis?

Legacy code analysis is a key step when moving old software to AWS. It means looking at the old code to find problems and figure out how to fix them. This helps developers plan the move and make sure it goes smoothly.

Defining Legacy Code

Legacy code is old software that's hard to work with. It's often:

  • Hard to understand
  • Difficult to change
  • Tough to keep running

This code can be important for a company, but it can cause problems when trying to use new technology.

Why Analyze Code for AWS Migration


Looking at old code before moving to AWS is important. Here's why:

Reason Benefit
Find Problems Spot issues that could make the move hard
Plan Resources Know what tools and skills you need
Set Priorities Decide what to work on first
Make Code Better Improve how the code works in the cloud
Reduce Risks Avoid errors and downtime during the move

Getting Ready for Legacy Code Analysis

Before starting to look at old code for AWS migration, you need to get some things ready. This includes tools, software, permissions, and skills.

Tools and Software You'll Need

To check old code well, you'll need some tools and software:

Tool Type Examples Purpose
Static code analysis Helix QAC, Klocwork Find coding problems
Dynamic code analysis - Test how code runs
Dependency mappers - See how code parts connect
AWS Migration Hub - Keep track of the move

Required Access and Permissions

To look at old code, you need to be able to:

  • See the code and its changes
  • Use code checking tools
  • Change code to fix problems
  • Work with your team

Skills and Knowledge for Analysis

To check old code well, you should know about:

  • Coding languages and rules
  • How to use code checking tools
  • What AWS needs for moving code
  • How to pick which problems to fix first
  • How to work and talk with your team

These skills will help you do a good job of checking the old code before moving it to AWS.


5 Ways to Analyze Legacy Code

Here are five ways to check old code before moving it to AWS.

1. Static Code Analysis

Static code analysis looks at code without running it. It helps find:

  • Bugs
  • Security issues
  • Code quality problems

To do static analysis:

  1. Set up a tool like Helix QAC or Klocwork
  2. Run the analysis
  3. Look at the results
  4. Fix the problems found

2. Dynamic Code Analysis

Dynamic code analysis runs the code to see how it works. It's good for:

  • Testing complex apps
  • Checking performance
  • Finding security weak spots

To do dynamic analysis:

  1. Set up a tool that can run the code
  2. Run the analysis
  3. Look at the results
  4. Fix any issues

3. Mapping Code Dependencies

This shows how different parts of the code work together. It helps:

  • Find problems
  • See where code might get stuck

To map dependencies:

  1. Find how code parts connect
  2. Make a picture of these connections
  3. Look for possible issues

4. Checking Code Complexity

This tells you how hard the code is to understand and fix. To check complexity:

  1. Use a tool to measure it
  2. Look at the results
  3. Find the hardest parts
  4. Make those parts simpler

5. AWS Compatibility Check

This makes sure the code will work with AWS. To do this:

  1. Set up a tool to check AWS fit
  2. Run the check
  3. Look at what it found
  4. Fix any parts that won't work with AWS
Analysis Type What It Does Why It's Useful
Static Checks code without running it Finds bugs and security issues
Dynamic Runs code to see how it works Tests complex apps and performance
Dependency Mapping Shows how code parts connect Finds problem areas
Complexity Check Measures how hard code is to understand Helps make code simpler
AWS Compatibility Checks if code works with AWS Ensures smooth move to AWS

How to Use These Strategies

Here's how to use the five ways to check old code for AWS moves.

Step-by-Step Guide

Follow these steps to check your code:

1. Check code without running it

Look for bugs and safety issues.

2. Run the code to see how it works

Test big apps and check how fast they run.

3. Show how code parts work together

Find problem spots and where code might get stuck.

4. See how hard the code is to understand

Find parts that need to be made simpler.

5. Make sure code works with AWS

Find any parts that won't work with AWS.

Tips for Better Checking

Here's how to check your code better:

Tip Why It Helps
Use good tools Get better results
Fix big problems first Focus on what matters most
Work with your team Get more ideas
Take breaks Don't get too tired

What Not to Do

Don't make these mistakes when checking your code:

Mistake Why It's Bad
Going too fast You might miss big problems
Using bad tools You won't get good results
Ignoring big issues Small problems can cause big trouble
Working alone You'll miss good ideas from others

Understanding Analysis Results

After checking your old code, you need to make sense of what you found. This part will show you how to put all the results together, decide what's most important, and make a plan to fix things.

Combining Findings

When you've used all five ways to check your code, you need to put all the results in one place. Here's what to do:

  1. Group similar problems together
  2. Look for the biggest issues
  3. Make a list of all the problems you found

Ranking Issues

Not all problems are equally important. You need to decide which ones to fix first. Think about:

What to Consider Why It Matters
How bad is the problem? Some issues can cause big trouble
How many people does it affect? Problems that affect more people are often more important
How hard is it to fix? Some issues take more time and effort to solve

By thinking about these things, you can make a list of problems from most important to least important.

Making an Action Plan

Now that you know what needs fixing, it's time to make a plan. Here's how to do it:

  1. Write down each problem
  2. List the steps to fix it
  3. Decide who will do the work
  4. Set a time to finish each fix

Here's an example of what your plan might look like:

Problem Steps to Fix Who Will Do It How Long It Will Take
Safety issue in code 1. Find what's causing it
2. Fix the code
3. Test to make sure it works
2 coders, 1 safety expert 2 weeks
Code runs too slow 1. Make database work better
2. Add ways to save information
3. Check if it's faster
1 coder, 1 computer expert 3 weeks


Review of 5 Analysis Strategies

We looked at five ways to check old code before moving it to AWS:

  1. Checking code without running it
  2. Running code to see how it works
  3. Showing how code parts connect
  4. Measuring how hard code is to understand
  5. Making sure code works with AWS

Each way helps find problems, make code work better, and move to AWS smoothly.

Final Thoughts on AWS Migration

Checking your old code well is key to moving to AWS without issues. By taking time to look at your code, you can:

  • Find and fix problems
  • Lower the chances of things going wrong
  • Make the move to AWS easier
Tips for a Good AWS Move
Check your code carefully
Use AWS tools to help
Move your code bit by bit

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