AWS S3 CloudTrail Integration Guide 2024

published on 30 September 2024

CloudTrail and S3 team up to supercharge your AWS logging and monitoring. Here's what you need to know:

  • CloudTrail records all S3 API calls, including console and API operations
  • It helps track user activity, monitor account actions, enhance security, and maintain compliance
  • CloudTrail automatically activates with your AWS account, providing a 90-day history of management events

Key benefits of using CloudTrail with S3:

  1. Comprehensive API tracking
  2. Quick detection of unusual activity
  3. Simplified compliance management
  4. Detailed insights into S3 data access

To get started:

  1. Create an S3 bucket for CloudTrail logs
  2. Set up a CloudWatch Log Group
  3. Enable Management Events and Data Events for S3

Pro tip: Use both CloudTrail and S3 server access logs for a complete picture of your S3 activity.

Quick Comparison:

Feature CloudTrail S3 Server Access Logs
Coverage API calls across AWS S3 access logs only
Detail level Account and bucket actions Object-level access info
Cost $0.10 per 100,000 events Free (except storage)
Log destination All S3 buckets or specific folders Individual buckets
Failed actions Logs AccessDenied errors Includes auth failures

This guide will walk you through setting up, configuring, and optimizing CloudTrail for S3, helping you maintain a secure and compliant AWS environment.

What is AWS CloudTrail?


AWS CloudTrail is your AWS account's digital detective. It records API calls and account activity, showing you who did what, when, and where in your AWS setup.

CloudTrail basics

CloudTrail kicks in automatically when you create an AWS account. It logs management events for 90 days without you lifting a finger. This covers actions in the AWS Console, CLI, SDKs, and APIs.

For instance, if Mary_Major runs aws cloudtrail start-logging, CloudTrail notes it down with the time, IP, and specific API call.

Main features and uses

CloudTrail does three big things:

1. Auditing

Keeps tabs on user activity and API usage.

2. Security monitoring

Spots weird activity fast.

3. Operational troubleshooting

Helps you fix AWS hiccups.

Want more? Set up a trail. This lets you:

  • Store logs in S3 forever
  • Get alerts for specific events
  • Dig into logs with Athena or CloudWatch

Types of logged events

CloudTrail captures four event types:

Event Type What it is Example
Management Actions changing AWS resources Creating an EC2 instance
Data Operations within a service Accessing an S3 object
Insights Unusual API patterns Sudden API call spike
Network activity (preview) VPC traffic VPC Flow Logs data

Trails log management events by default. For the rest, you'll need to set them up.

CloudTrail uses JSON for all logs, making analysis a breeze.

How S3 and CloudTrail work together

S3 and CloudTrail team up to keep an eye on your cloud storage. Here's how they work and why you might pick one over the other.

Why use CloudTrail with S3?

CloudTrail's got some perks when paired with S3:

  1. Tracks API calls for buckets and objects
  2. Spots weird activity fast
  3. Helps with following rules

What S3 events does CloudTrail track?

CloudTrail watches a bunch of S3 events, like:

  • CreateBucket
  • DeleteBucket
  • PutObject
  • GetObject
  • DeleteObject

This gives you a clear picture of what's happening with your S3 stuff.

CloudTrail vs. S3 server access logs

These two do similar things, but they're not the same:

Feature CloudTrail S3 Server Access Logs
What it covers API calls across AWS Just S3 access logs
How detailed Account and bucket actions Object-level access info
Price $0.10 per 100,000 events Free (except storage)
Where it logs All S3 buckets or specific folders Individual buckets
Failed stuff Logs AccessDenied errors Includes auth failures

"CloudTrail doesn't replace other AWS logs. It just adds more info." - AWS docs

CloudTrail's usually enough for most people. But if you need extra details like object size or time taken, S3 logs can help.

Pro tip: Use both for the full picture. You'll get broad API tracking AND detailed access info.

Setting up CloudTrail for S3

Here's how to set up CloudTrail for your S3 buckets:

1. Create a new trail

  • Open CloudTrail in AWS Console
  • Click "Create trail"
  • Name it (e.g., "S3-monitoring-trail")
  • Choose storage location

2. Set up S3 bucket for logs

For a new bucket:

  • Pick a unique name
  • Choose AWS Region
  • Set lifecycle rules (e.g., Glacier after 30 days, delete after 1 year)

For an existing bucket:

  • Check permissions
  • Update bucket policy

3. Turn on data event logging

  • Go to "Events" section
  • Under "Data events", pick S3
  • Choose buckets to monitor:
Option What it does
All buckets Logs events for every bucket
Specific buckets You choose which to monitor
  • Select event types (Read, Write, or both)

Once done, CloudTrail will log S3 events to your bucket. Use these logs for audits, security checks, or troubleshooting.

Advanced CloudTrail settings for S3

Let's explore some advanced CloudTrail settings to supercharge your S3 logging.

Using advanced event filters

Want pinpoint control over your S3 event logs? Advanced event selectors are your new best friend. They help you zero in on what matters most.

Here's the quick setup:

  1. Hit the CloudTrail console and pick your trail
  2. Find "Data events" and click "Edit"
  3. Choose "Use advanced event selectors"
  4. Add field selectors to cherry-pick your events

Let's say you ONLY want to log PutObject and DeleteObject events for all S3 buckets, except one pesky bucket. Here's the AWS CLI magic:

aws cloudtrail put-event-selectors --trail-name YourTrailName --advanced-event-selectors '[
    "Name": "S3 write events filter",
    "FieldSelectors": [
      { "Field": "eventCategory", "Equals": ["Data"] },
      { "Field": "resources.type", "Equals": ["AWS::S3::Object"] },
      { "Field": "eventName", "Equals": ["PutObject", "DeleteObject"] },
      { "Field": "resources.ARN", "NotStartsWith": ["arn:aws:s3:::excluded-bucket/"] }

Boom! You're now logging write events for all S3 buckets, except that one "excluded-bucket".

Setting up logs across regions

Need to keep tabs on S3 events across multiple AWS regions? No sweat:

  1. Create a multi-region trail in CloudTrail
  2. Pick "Apply trail to all regions"
  3. Choose your S3 bucket for log storage
  4. Set up event selectors for each region

Or, if you're a CLI fan:

aws cloudtrail create-trail --name MultiRegionTrail --s3-bucket-name YourBucketName --is-multi-region-trail
aws cloudtrail put-event-selectors --trail-name MultiRegionTrail --event-selectors '[{"ReadWriteType": "All", "IncludeManagementEvents":true, "DataResources": [{"Type": "AWS::S3::Object", "Values": ["arn:aws:s3:::"] }]}]'

Just like that, you're logging S3 events from ALL regions to one bucket.

Checking log file integrity

Worried about log tampering? CloudTrail's got your back:

  1. Turn on log file validation when setting up your trail
  2. Use the AWS CLI to check logs regularly:
aws cloudtrail validate-logs --trail-arn arn:aws:cloudtrail:us-east-1:123456789012:trail/MyTrail --start-time 2023-01-01T00:00:00Z --end-time 2023-01-31T23:59:59Z

This command gives your January 2023 logs a once-over, making sure they're legit.

Understanding CloudTrail logs for S3

CloudTrail logs show S3 activity. Here's how to read them:

S3 event log structure

S3 CloudTrail logs are JSON files with API call details:

  • Each event has eventTime, eventName, and eventSource
  • S3 events have eventSource:
  • requestParameters shows what the API call requested

Key fields:

Field Meaning
eventTime Action time (UTC)
eventName Action type (e.g., PutObject)
sourceIPAddress Request origin
userIdentity Requester

Tools for reading logs

Raw JSON is tough. Use these instead:

1. Amazon Athena: SQL queries for fast log analysis

2. CloudWatch Logs: If CloudTrail sends logs there

3. AWS CLI: Quick checks from command line

Key S3 events to watch

Focus on these S3 events:

  • PutObject: File upload
  • GetObject: File download
  • DeleteObject: File removal
  • GetBucketAcl: Permission check
  • PutBucketPolicy: Policy change

Athena query for these events:

SELECT eventTime, eventName, sourceIPAddress, userIdentity.arn as userArn
FROM cloudtrail_logs
WHERE eventSource = ''
  AND eventName IN ('PutObject', 'GetObject', 'DeleteObject', 'GetBucketAcl', 'PutBucketPolicy')
  AND eventTime > DATE_ADD('day', -7, CURRENT_DATE)

This shows key S3 events from the past week.

Keeping CloudTrail logs secure

Want to keep your AWS audit trail safe? Here's how to protect your CloudTrail logs in S3:

Encrypting log files

Use SSE-KMS for stronger security:

1. Create a KMS key in your S3 bucket's region

2. Update your trail to use the KMS key

3. Add these policy sections to the key:

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "Allow CloudTrail to encrypt logs",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {"Service": ""},
      "Action": "kms:GenerateDataKey*",
      "Resource": "*"
      "Sid": "Allow users to decrypt logs",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {"AWS": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/LogAnalyst"},
      "Action": "kms:Decrypt",
      "Resource": "*"

Limiting access to logs

Lock down your logs:

  • Use IAM policies to restrict S3 bucket access
  • Review your S3 bucket policy often
  • Store logs in a separate AWS account

Here's an S3 bucket policy example:

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "Allow CloudTrail access",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {"Service": ""},
      "Action": "s3:PutObject",
      "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::my-cloudtrail-bucket/AWSLogs/*"
      "Sid": "Deny public access",
      "Effect": "Deny",
      "Principal": "*",
      "Action": "s3:*",
      "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::my-cloudtrail-bucket/*",
      "Condition": {"Bool": {"aws:SecureTransport": "false"}}

Using MFA for log bucket deletion

Add an extra layer of protection with MFA Delete:

1. Turn on versioning for your S3 bucket

2. Enable MFA Delete with this AWS CLI command:

aws s3api put-bucket-versioning --bucket my-cloudtrail-bucket --versioning-configuration Status=Enabled,MFADelete=Enabled --mfa "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:mfa/root-account-mfa-device 123456"

This helps prevent accidental or malicious deletions. Stay safe out there!


Meeting compliance rules

CloudTrail logs for S3 are essential for meeting industry standards and audit requirements. Here's how to use them:

Using CloudTrail for regulations

CloudTrail helps with SOX, PCI DSS, and HIPAA compliance. To use it:

  1. Create a trail to send logs to an S3 bucket
  2. Set up CloudWatch alarms for unusual activity
  3. Use AWS Audit Manager for ongoing auditing

S3 compliance audits with logs

CloudTrail logs show who accessed S3 resources, when, and what they did. For thorough audits:

  • Mix CloudTrail logs with S3 server access logs
  • Use Amazon Athena to analyze log data
  • Set up automated reports for regular reviews

Storing logs for compliance

Proper log storage is key:

Aspect Recommendation
Duration Keep logs as required by regulations
Location Use a dedicated S3 bucket
Security Encrypt logs with SSE-KMS
Access Use strict IAM policies
Lifecycle Use S3 Lifecycle rules for archiving or deletion

CloudTrail keeps logs for 90 days by default. For longer storage, set up a trail to an S3 bucket.

To boost log security:

  • Turn on log file integrity validation
  • Use MFA Delete on the S3 bucket
  • Monitor the bucket with CloudWatch

Fixing problems and monitoring

When you connect S3 to CloudTrail, things can go wrong. Here's how to spot and fix common issues:

Common S3-CloudTrail issues

1. No log collection

If your logs aren't coming in:

  • Is CloudTrail logging on in AWS Console?
  • Is the AWS SQS queue linked to the right SNS topic?

2. "Forbidden" errors

Can't access something? Check:

  • IAM policy for your credentials
  • S3 bucket's Access Control List and Bucket Policy

3. Missing events

CloudTrail only logs management events by default. For more:

  • Turn on data events for S3 buckets
  • Set up insights events if you need them

Setting up alerts for S3 events

Use CloudWatch to keep an eye on important S3 stuff:

  1. Make a CloudWatch log group for S3
  2. Create a metric filter for specific events
  3. Set up an alarm based on that filter
Event Type Why Watch How to Do It
S3 Policy Changes Stay secure Use CloudTrail Event Generator
Object Uploads/Downloads Track data access Make a metric filter for API calls
Bucket Creation/Deletion Manage resources Alarm for these management events

Finding unusual S3 activity

CloudTrail Insights can spot weird S3 usage:

  1. Turn on CloudTrail Insights
  2. Check Insights events in CloudTrail console
  3. Set up CloudWatch alarms for Insights events

To dig into problems using CloudTrail logs:

  1. Note when the error happened
  2. Open CloudTrail console's "Events History"
  3. Set a small time window
  4. Download events as CSV
  5. Look for errors in the "Error code" column
  6. Use "Event ID" to find more details

Making CloudTrail work better with S3

Controlling CloudTrail costs

CloudTrail can eat up your budget if you're not careful. Here's how to keep it in check:

  1. Pick your data events wisely

Don't log everything. Focus on what matters. If you only care about bucket policy changes, skip the object-level stuff. Your wallet will thank you.

  1. Use lifecycle policies

Move old logs to cheaper storage. Here's a simple plan:

Time Where to store
0-30 days S3 Standard
31-90 days S3 IA
91+ days S3 Glacier
  1. Keep an eye on things

Use AWS Cost Explorer to watch your CloudTrail spending. If it jumps, figure out why and tweak your settings.

Improving log delivery and storage

Want your logs fast and organized? Try these:

  1. Give CloudTrail its own S3 bucket

Separate bucket = easier to manage and find what you need.

  1. Turn on S3 Transfer Acceleration

It's like giving your logs a speed boost, especially across regions.

  1. Set up cross-region replication

For the really important stuff, make a copy in another region. It's like a backup for your backup.

Balancing logging and system speed

Logging everything can slow you down. Here's how to stay fast:

  1. Use advanced event selectors

Don't log it all. Pick and choose. For example:

  "FieldSelectors": [
      "Field": "eventName",
      "Equals": ["PutObject", "DeleteObject"]
      "Field": "resources.ARN",
      "StartsWith": "arn:aws:s3:::important-bucket/"

This only logs uploads and deletions in one specific bucket.

  1. Batch your analysis

Don't analyze in real-time. Do it in chunks when things are quiet.

  1. Use CloudWatch Logs

Send your CloudTrail logs here for faster searching without slowing down S3.

Using CloudTrail with other AWS tools

CloudTrail plays nice with other AWS services to boost your data management game. Let's see how it teams up with AWS Config, Amazon Athena, and AWS Lambda.

CloudTrail and AWS Config for S3

AWS Config

AWS Config and CloudTrail tag-team to watch your S3 resources:

  • Config checks if your S3 setup follows the rules
  • CloudTrail tracks who did what and when
Service Job Why it's cool
AWS Config Watches S3 settings Keeps you in line with policies
CloudTrail Logs S3 API activity Gives you detailed audit trails

Using both lets you see who changed your S3 buckets, check if those changes follow your rules, and set up auto-actions if something's off.

Searching logs with Amazon Athena

Amazon Athena

Athena makes digging through CloudTrail logs a breeze with SQL. Here's the setup:

1. Point CloudTrail logs to S3

2. Create an Athena table for CloudTrail

3. Start querying

Want to know which IAM roles were busy last week? Try this:

SELECT useridentity.arn, 
       COUNT(*) as count
FROM cloudtrail_logs
WHERE from_iso8601_timestamp(eventtime) > date_add('day', -7, now())
GROUP BY useridentity.arn

This shows you which roles were used, how often, and in the past 7 days.

Automating S3 responses with Lambda

Use Lambda to react to S3 events logged by CloudTrail:

1. Set up CloudTrail for S3 data events

2. Create an EventBridge rule for specific S3 actions

3. Point Lambda at your rule

To track new files in a specific bucket:

  "source": ["aws.s3"],
  "detail-type": ["AWS API Call via CloudTrail"],
  "detail": {
    "eventName": ["PutObject"],
    "requestParameters": {
      "bucketName": ["your-important-bucket"]

This catches new file uploads to "your-important-bucket". Your Lambda function could then log file details, kick off a workflow, or send alerts for big files.

Linking these tools creates a system that watches your S3 buckets, checks for issues, lets you search easily, and acts on changes. It's like having a super-smart assistant for your S3 data management.

What's next for S3 and CloudTrail

AWS is gearing up to boost S3 and CloudTrail. Here's what's coming:

New features on the horizon

AWS is doubling down on making S3 and CloudTrail even better:

  • AI/ML boost: S3 and CloudTrail are getting smarter. They'll use AI to analyze data and spot threats faster.

  • Going global: More data centers are coming. This means S3 will be quicker, and CloudTrail will keep an eye on more places.

  • Playing nice with serverless: S3 and CloudTrail will work better with services like Lambda. This means your system can react to events automatically.

Feature What it means for you
AI/ML boost Smarter data analysis, quicker threat detection
More data centers Faster S3, wider CloudTrail coverage
Serverless teamwork Your system reacts to events on its own

Cloud logging's future

Cloud logging is changing. Here's what's shaping it:

  • Going green: AWS wants to be carbon neutral by 2040. This will change how S3 stores data and CloudTrail logs events.

  • Smarter analytics: Real-time insights from CloudTrail logs are becoming crucial. AWS is working on making sense of your log data faster.

  • Multi-cloud support: As businesses use multiple clouds, CloudTrail will likely get better at logging across different setups.

  • Edge computing: With IoT on the rise, CloudTrail might start logging events from edge devices too.

AWS is also making things more automatic. For S3 and CloudTrail, this could mean:

  • Spotting weird log patterns faster
  • Fighting security threats automatically based on CloudTrail logs
  • S3 managing data smarter based on how you use it

As AWS rolls out these changes, stay in the loop. Keep an eye on AWS news and maybe take some AWS training to make the most of what's coming.


AWS S3 and CloudTrail make a powerful team for cloud security. Here's the rundown:

CloudTrail logs everything in your AWS world. It's not just about security - it helps you stay on top of your game. Combining S3 and CloudTrail creates a solid defense for your data.

Why it matters:

  • CloudTrail quickly spots unusual S3 bucket activity
  • It helps with compliance
  • You can track who's accessing your S3 data

But setup is just the beginning. You need to:

1. Check logs regularly

Don't let CloudTrail logs pile up. Set a review schedule. It's like checking security cameras - catch issues early.

2. Keep your setup current

AWS always adds new features. Stay informed and update your setup. It's like getting the latest security patches for your phone.

3. Train your team

Everyone should know how to read CloudTrail logs. It takes practice, but it's not rocket science.

Action Purpose
Regular log reviews Early issue detection
Update configurations Stay ahead of threats
Team training Enable problem spotting

Hannah Grace Holladay from KirkpatrickPrice says:

"By monitoring and logging all API activity, CloudTrail helps organizations identify unauthorized access, detect unusual behavior, and maintain a secure environment."

Keep at it. Your S3 data depends on you. With CloudTrail, you're ready for whatever the cloud throws at you.


How to send CloudTrail logs to S3 bucket?

Here's how to send CloudTrail logs to an S3 bucket:

  1. Go to the Amazon S3 console
  2. Pick your bucket for CloudTrail logs
  3. Hit "Permissions" then "Edit"
  4. Paste the CloudTrail policy in the Bucket Policy Editor

This gives CloudTrail the green light to store logs in your S3 bucket.

Does CloudTrail store logs in S3?

Yep, CloudTrail stores logs in S3. It puts Amazon S3 data event logs in your chosen bucket. This setup is great for:

  • Keeping logs for the long haul
  • Easy digging into your data
  • Playing nice with other AWS tools

Does CloudTrail use S3?

You bet. CloudTrail leans on S3 buckets to store logs of API and non-API action. This combo is crucial for:

What it does Why it matters
Stores logs Keeps you in line with rules
Crunches data Lets you dive deep into account activity
Boosts security Helps spot weird stuff or uninvited guests

Quick tip: When you're setting up CloudTrail with S3, remember to:

  • Keep that log bucket under lock and key
  • Use AWS KMS keys for extra-strong encryption

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