AWS Health Dashboards: Monitoring & Debugging Guide

published on 01 August 2024

AWS Health Dashboards are essential tools for monitoring and debugging your AWS resources. Here's what you need to know:

  • Purpose: Track AWS service health and your account's resource status
  • Types: Service Health Dashboard and Personal Health Dashboard
  • Key features: Real-time updates, customizable views, integration with other AWS tools
  • Benefits: Quick problem-solving, easier troubleshooting, better resource use, improved reliability
Feature Service Health Dashboard Personal Health Dashboard
Scope All AWS services Your AWS resources
Access Public AWS Management Console
Alerts General service issues Account-specific events

To get started:

  1. Log in to AWS Management Console
  2. Find "AWS Health" in services
  3. Set up your dashboard
  4. Configure alerts and custom views

Use AWS Health Dashboards to:

  • Spot problems quickly
  • Connect issues across services
  • Set up automatic responses with Lambda
  • Improve your AWS resource management

Remember to check your dashboard regularly, set up relevant alerts, and have a plan for addressing issues when they arise.

AWS Health Dashboards explained

AWS Health Dashboards

Definition and purpose

AWS Health Dashboards are tools that show you how your AWS resources are doing in real-time. They help you:

  • See if your AWS services are working well
  • Find and fix problems quickly
  • Set up the dashboard to show what's important to you
  • Work with other AWS tools to fix issues automatically

Service Health vs Personal Health Dashboards

AWS has two types of Health Dashboards:

Type Description
Service Health Dashboards Show how all AWS services are doing
Personal Health Dashboards Show how your own AWS resources are doing

Both can be found in the AWS Management Console.

Main features and uses

AWS Health Dashboards offer:

  • Up-to-date info: See how your AWS resources are doing right now
  • Your own setup: Choose what you want to see on your dashboard
  • Works with other AWS tools: Can team up with services like CloudWatch and Lambda
  • Warnings: Get alerts when something's wrong
  • Past data: Look at how things have been working over time

These dashboards help you keep an eye on your AWS resources and fix problems fast, so your apps and work keep running smoothly.

Getting started with AWS Health Dashboards

What you need before setup

Before setting up your AWS Health Dashboard, make sure you have:

Requirement Description
AWS account With permissions to use the AWS Management Console
Basic AWS knowledge Understanding of AWS services and resources
Console familiarity Know how to use the AWS Management Console

It's also good to know what you want to keep an eye on with your Health Dashboard. This helps you set it up better.

How to set up your dashboard

Follow these steps to set up your AWS Health Dashboard:

  1. Log in to the AWS Management Console
  2. Find "AWS Health" using the search bar or service list
  3. Click "Create dashboard"
  4. Pick Service Health or Personal Health
  5. Choose which AWS services and resources to watch
  6. Add widgets, set up alerts, and change settings as needed

Tips for a good setup

Here's how to make your AWS Health Dashboard work well for you:

Tip Description
Start small Begin with a basic setup, add more later
Make it yours Set up the dashboard to show what matters to you
Use alerts Get notified when something needs your attention
Keep it up to date Check and update your dashboard regularly

How to use AWS Health Dashboards for monitoring

Understanding the dashboard layout

The AWS Health Dashboard shows how your AWS resources are doing. It has four main parts:

Section What it shows
Service Health How AWS services are working now
Personal Health How your own AWS resources are doing
Metrics Numbers that show how well things are working
Events Things that have happened or will happen soon

Reading dashboard data

When you look at the dashboard:

  • Check the colors: Green means good, yellow means be careful, red means there's a problem
  • Look at the numbers: See if they're normal or not
  • Read about events: Find out what's happening and why

Important metrics to watch

Keep an eye on these numbers:

Metric Why it's important
CPU use Shows if your computer is working too hard
Memory use Helps avoid running out of memory
Disk space Makes sure you don't run out of room
Request time Shows how fast your app is working

Creating custom views

To make your own view:

  1. Click "Create custom view"
  2. Pick what you want to see
  3. Choose how it looks
  4. Save it for later

Debugging with AWS Health Dashboards

Spotting problems

To find issues using AWS Health Dashboards:

Color What it means
Green All good
Yellow Possible problem
Red Definite problem


  • Look for odd numbers in the metrics
  • Read what the events say

Linking events across services

To connect events in different services:

  • Use the "Related events" tab
  • Click on an event to see more details
  • Use the "Service" filter to see events for one service

Using logs to solve issues

Logs help fix problems:

  • Check the "Logs" tab
  • Filter logs by service
  • Look for error messages

More debugging methods

Other ways to debug:

Method What it does
"Metrics" tab Shows numbers about the event
Custom views Let you see only what you want
Alerts Tell you when there's a problem

Connecting AWS Health Dashboards to other AWS tools

Working with CloudWatch

AWS Health Dashboards can work together with Amazon CloudWatch. CloudWatch helps you keep an eye on your AWS resources by collecting data and logs.

To connect your AWS Health Dashboard to CloudWatch:

  1. Open AWS Health Dashboard
  2. Click the gear icon in the top right
  3. Choose "Integrations"
  4. Pick "CloudWatch"
  5. Follow the steps to connect them

Once connected, you can:

  • See CloudWatch data in your AWS Health Dashboard
  • Look at logs to fix problems
  • Make custom views with both AWS Health Dashboard and CloudWatch info

Using the Health API

The AWS Health API lets you use AWS Health Dashboard data in your own programs. With it, you can:

What you can do How it helps
Get health data See how your AWS resources are doing
Make custom apps Use AWS Health Dashboard data in your own tools
Do things automatically Set up actions based on AWS Health Dashboard info

To start using the Health API:

  1. Turn on the Health API in AWS
  2. Set up permissions to use it
  3. Use AWS tools to talk to the API

Setting up Lambda for auto-responses

AWS Lambda lets you run code when things happen. You can use it with AWS Health Dashboard to do things automatically when events occur.

To set up Lambda with AWS Health Dashboard:

  1. Make a Lambda function
  2. Set it to run when something happens in AWS Health Dashboard
  3. Use the AWS Health Dashboard API to get info and decide what to do

For example, you could make a Lambda function that tells your team when there's a problem. The function would:

  • Get event info from AWS Health Dashboard
  • Figure out how bad the problem is
  • Send the right message to your team

This helps you respond to issues faster without having to watch your dashboard all the time.

Tips for better monitoring and debugging

Regular dashboard checks

Checking your AWS Health Dashboard often helps you keep track of your AWS resources. Here's how to make it a habit:

Tip Description
Set a time Pick a time each day to look at your dashboard
Quick review Spend a few minutes looking for any problems
Use filters Sort and filter to find important info fast
Make a list Write down tasks to fix any issues you find

By checking your dashboard regularly, you can catch problems early.

Setting up alerts

Alerts let you know when something happens with your AWS resources. Here's how to set them up:

Step Action
1 Choose what events you want to know about
2 Set up alerts for each type of event
3 Use filters to avoid getting too many alerts
4 Test your alerts to make sure they work

With alerts, you can fix problems quickly and keep your system running smoothly.

Planning responses to events

Having a plan for when things go wrong helps you fix issues fast. Here's how to make a plan:

Step Action
1 List the types of problems that might happen
2 Write down steps to fix each type of problem
3 Check and update your plans often
4 Look at past events to make your plans better

Extra features and advice

Preventing issues with dashboards

To keep your AWS Health Dashboards working well, check and update them often. Here's what to do:

Action Description
Check dashboard speed Make sure your dashboard runs fast
Update settings Change settings to fit what you need now
Test everything Make sure all parts of your dashboard work right

By doing these things, you can stop problems before they start and keep your dashboard showing the right info about your AWS resources.

Using past data to spot future issues

AWS Health Dashboards let you look at old data to guess what might go wrong later. Here's how:

Step What to do
Look at old data Find patterns in what happened before
Guess what might happen Use what you learned to guess future problems
Make special views Set up your dashboard to show possible issues quickly

By looking at what happened before, you can stop problems before they start and keep your AWS stuff running smoothly.

Dashboards for different team members

You can set up AWS Health Dashboards for each person on your team. Here's how:

Action How it helps
Make special views Show each person just what they need to see
Set who can see what Control who can look at and change different dashboards
Use ready-made setups Quickly make new dashboards for different people

This way, everyone on your team can see the info they need to do their job well.

Fixing common problems

Solving access issues

If you can't get into your AWS Health Dashboard, try these steps:

Step What to do
Check permissions Make sure you're allowed to use the dashboard
Look at setup Check if your dashboard is set up right
Try another way Use a different web browser or device

These steps should help you get back to watching your AWS resources.

Fixing data mismatches

If the numbers in your dashboard don't look right:

Problem What to check
Wrong data sources Make sure your AWS services are set up right
Incorrect settings Check if your dashboard is showing the right info
Data problems Look for missing or weird data

Doing these checks will help make sure your dashboard shows the right info.

Improving dashboard speed

If your dashboard is slow:

Fix How it helps
Use fewer widgets Makes the dashboard simpler and faster
Make better data queries Gets info from AWS more quickly
Check AWS resource use Makes sure you have enough computer power

These steps can help your dashboard run faster and show info more quickly.


Main points to remember

Here's a quick look at the key things to know about AWS Health Dashboards:

Point Description
Purpose Watch and fix AWS resources
Types Service Health and Personal Health
Setup Important for good monitoring
Skills needed Understanding layout, reading data, making custom views
Works with CloudWatch, Health API, Lambda
Best practices Regular checks, alerts, plan for problems

Keep improving your monitoring

To get better at using your AWS Health Dashboard:

Tip How to do it
Read AWS docs Check for new info often
Try new things Use new features to see if they help
Talk to others Join online groups to learn from others
Keep checking Look at how you use the dashboard and make it better


What's the difference between AWS Health Dashboard and Personal Health Dashboard?

Dashboard Type Purpose
Service Health Dashboard Shows overall status of AWS services
Personal Health Dashboard Displays status of AWS services you use

What does the AWS Health Dashboard do?

The AWS Health Dashboard shows you:

  • Events that might affect your AWS services or account
  • Issues specific to your account
  • Upcoming changes that could impact your resources

How can I get alerts about AWS health issues?

Use Amazon EventBridge to set up notifications for AWS Health events.

How do I access the AWS Health Dashboard?

  1. Go to
  2. Sign in to your AWS account
  3. Look for "Your account health" in the menu

How can I check AWS service health?

Use the AWS Health Dashboard to:

  • See events affecting your services
  • View issues specific to your account
  • Check upcoming changes to your resources
Dashboard Section Information Shown
Open and recent issues Recently opened and closed events
Scheduled changes Upcoming events that might affect your services

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