9 Serverless Network Security Best Practices

published on 08 July 2024

Protect your serverless applications with these key practices:

  1. Use least privilege access
  2. Secure API gateways
  3. Implement VPCs for sensitive tasks
  4. Apply strong encryption
  5. Monitor network activity
  6. Deploy Web Application Firewall (WAF)
  7. Safeguard data storage
  8. Handle errors securely
  9. Conduct regular security audits

Quick Comparison:

Practice Focus Area Key Tools
Least privilege Access control IAM roles, policies
API gateway security Entry point protection API keys, throttling
VPC implementation Network isolation Private subnets, NAT gateways
Encryption Data protection AWS KMS, SSL/TLS
Activity monitoring Threat detection CloudWatch, CloudTrail
WAF deployment Attack prevention AWS WAF, web ACLs
Data storage protection Resource security S3 policies, DynamoDB encryption
Error handling Information security Custom error types, safe logging
Security audits Vulnerability management AWS Trusted Advisor, Config

These practices help secure serverless networks, protect data, and maintain application integrity in AWS environments.

1. Use Least Privilege Access

What is Least Privilege?

Least privilege means giving users or functions only the permissions they need to do their job. This helps keep your system safer by limiting what an attacker can do if they break in.

Applying Least Privilege in Serverless

In serverless setups, using least privilege is key to keeping your functions and resources safe. This means setting up your IAM roles and policies to give only the needed permissions.

Setting Up IAM Roles and Policies


To set up IAM roles and policies with least privilege:

  1. List what your function needs to do
  2. Figure out the smallest set of permissions it needs
  3. Make an IAM role with these permissions
  4. Link this role to your function
  5. Use IAM policies to control access to your resources

For example, if your function needs to use an S3 bucket, give it a role that can only read or write to that specific bucket. Don't give it extra permissions it doesn't need.

Checking IAM Policies

Keep an eye on your IAM policies to make sure they follow least privilege. Here's how:

Action Tool
Find extra permissions IAM Access Analyzer
Track API calls AWS CloudTrail

Use these tools to spot and remove any permissions you don't need. This helps keep your serverless setup safe.

2. Protect API Gateways

API gateways are key in serverless setups. They're the main entry point for clients to use serverless functions. But they can be weak spots if not secured well.

API Gateways in Serverless

In serverless, API gateways:

  • Handle incoming requests
  • Check if clients can use the API
  • Send requests to the right serverless function

They give one entry point for clients, making it easier to manage and secure access to your functions.

Securing API Endpoints

To keep API endpoints safe:

Method Description
API keys Check if clients can use the API
Usage plans Limit how many requests a client can make
Throttling Stop too many requests at once

More ways to secure endpoints:

  • Use strong login methods (OAuth, JWT tokens)
  • Encrypt data when it's sent
  • Check and clean incoming requests
  • Set limits on API use
  • Watch API traffic for odd behavior

API Authentication and Authorization

Checking who can use your API is crucial. You can use AWS Cognito, IAM roles, or OAuth for this.

Tips for API auth:

  • Pick a safe login method (OAuth, JWT tokens)
  • Control who can use which parts of your API
  • Use AWS Cognito to manage users
  • Use IAM roles for serverless functions

Watching API Traffic

Keeping an eye on API traffic helps spot issues and stop attacks. Use AWS CloudWatch, CloudTrail, and API Gateway logs for this.

How to watch API traffic:

Tool Use
AWS CloudWatch See API traffic and find odd patterns
CloudTrail Track API calls and spot weird activity
API Gateway logs Watch API traffic and find security problems

Set up alerts to tell you about possible security issues.

3. Use VPCs for Sensitive Tasks

VPCs in Serverless

Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs) help keep serverless networks safe. They create a private network for your serverless functions, letting them safely use resources inside the VPC. This is key for tasks that need extra protection, like working with databases or internal APIs.

Using a VPC with serverless functions (like AWS Lambda) helps in these ways:

Benefit Description
Network isolation Keeps functions away from the public internet
Safe connections Allows secure links to services like Amazon RDS
Extra protection Adds more layers of security to your app

Setting Up VPC for Lambda


To use a VPC with Lambda functions:

  1. Make a private subnet in your VPC
  2. Set up a NAT gateway in a public subnet
  3. Change your Lambda function to use these

Managing Security Groups and ACLs

Security groups and network ACLs control traffic in your VPC. Here's what to do:

  • Use security groups to control access to your Lambda function
  • Set up network ACLs to manage traffic at the subnet level
  • Only allow needed IP addresses and ports to access your resources

Private Subnets and Internet Access

To keep your serverless functions safe while allowing some internet access:

  • Put functions in private subnets to keep them away from the public internet
  • Use NAT gateways for outbound traffic from private subnets
  • Only allow internet access to necessary resources and services

4. Use Strong Encryption

Encryption is key to keeping data safe in serverless setups. This part covers how to protect data when it's stored and when it's moving, and how to use AWS Key Management Service (KMS).

Encrypting Stored Data

Protect data when it's not being used by encrypting it. AWS services like S3, DynamoDB, and RDS have built-in tools to do this. Here's how they work:

Service How It Encrypts
S3 Uses keys from Amazon, AWS KMS, or you
DynamoDB Uses keys from AWS KMS
RDS Uses keys from AWS KMS

Encrypting Data in Transit

Keep data safe when it's moving by using SSL/TLS encryption. This stops others from seeing or changing your data as it travels between Lambda functions and other services.



AWS KMS helps you make and manage encryption keys. It's useful for many tasks, from keeping S3 data safe to protecting app info. To use KMS well:

  • Make and manage keys with KMS
  • Use KMS to encrypt and decrypt data
  • Change keys often to stay safe

Managing Encryption Keys

Taking care of encryption keys is vital. Here's what to do:

Task Why It's Important
Change keys often Limits damage if a key is stolen
Use KMS to manage keys Keeps all keys in one safe place
Limit who can use keys Stops unwanted access
Watch how keys are used Helps spot possible issues

5. Track Network Activity

Keeping an eye on network activity helps you spot security issues, fix problems, and make your serverless setup work better. Let's look at how to do this.

Logging in Serverless

Logging is key in serverless setups. It helps you:

  • Watch how your app is doing
  • Find security problems
  • Follow rules and laws

Logging in serverless can be tricky because functions don't last long and the system is spread out. To fix this, use structured logging. This means putting log data in a standard format so it's easy to look at and search.

Setting Up CloudWatch


CloudWatch is an AWS tool that helps you watch and log what's happening in your app. To use it with serverless:

  1. Make a log group and stream for each function
  2. Set up your function to send logs to CloudWatch
  3. Use CloudWatch Logs Insights to look at log data and find patterns

Checking Logs for Security Issues

Looking at logs helps you find possible threats. Here's how:

Tool What it does
CloudWatch Logs Insights Lets you search log data to find security problems
AWS Security Hub Looks at log data to spot security threats

Setting Up Alerts

Alerts help you act fast when there's a problem. To set them up:

  1. Make alarms based on log data, metrics, or other info
  2. Choose how you want to be told (email, text, etc.)
  3. Set up your team to get these alerts

This helps you respond quickly to keep your app and users safe.


6. Use Web Application Firewall (WAF)


WAF in Serverless Security

A Web Application Firewall (WAF) helps keep serverless apps safe from common web attacks. It works like a shield between your app and the internet, stopping bad traffic and letting good traffic through. This is important for serverless setups because they're open to the internet and can be attacked easily.

Setting Up WAF Rules

To set up WAF rules:

  1. Make a web ACL with AWS WAF managed rules and your own rules
  2. Use the AWS WAF console, SDK, or CLI to do this

You can make rules to:

  • Block traffic from certain IP addresses
  • Stop requests that match specific patterns in HTTP headers, methods, or query strings

Connecting WAF to API Gateway and CloudFront

API Gateway

To use WAF with API Gateway and CloudFront:

Step Description
1 Link your WAF web ACL to your API Gateway or CloudFront
2 This lets WAF check incoming traffic
3 It blocks bad requests before they reach your app

For API Gateway, you can use WAF with regional apps or REST APIs. For CloudFront, you can use it with any distribution.

Checking WAF Activity

To keep an eye on WAF:

Tool What it does
AWS WAF metrics and logs Show how many requests WAF blocked or allowed
AWS CloudWatch Watch WAF metrics and set up alerts
AWS Security Hub Mix WAF with other security tools for a full view

These tools help you spot and fix security issues quickly.

7. Protect Data Storage

Protecting S3 Buckets


To keep S3 buckets safe:

  1. Set up bucket policies to control access
  2. Use IAM roles and policies
  3. Turn on bucket encryption
  4. Use S3 Block Public Access
  5. Watch bucket access logs
  6. Use AWS CloudTrail to track API calls
  7. Set up AWS CloudWatch to monitor logs and alerts

Protecting DynamoDB Tables


For DynamoDB tables:

  1. Encrypt data at rest and in transit
  2. Use AWS KMS for encryption keys
  3. Set up IAM policies and roles for access control
  4. Monitor tables for odd activity
  5. Use AWS CloudWatch for alerts

Setting Data Access Controls

To control data access:

Method Description
IAM policies Control access to S3 and DynamoDB
Least privilege Give users only needed access
AWS Lake Formation Manage data lake access

Data Encryption Tips

Best practices for data encryption:

Tip Details
Use AWS KMS Manage encryption keys securely
Client-side encryption Encrypt data before sending
Server-side encryption Encrypt data in S3 or DynamoDB

8. Handle Errors Safely

Why Safe Error Handling Matters

Good error handling is key for serverless apps. Errors can happen for many reasons, like:

  • Wrong data types
  • Bugs in the code
  • Problems with outside services

If not handled well, errors can cause:

  • App downtime
  • Data problems
  • Unhappy users

By handling errors the right way, you can:

  • Make users happier
  • Find and fix issues faster
  • Keep your app running smoothly

Avoiding Information Leaks

When dealing with errors, don't show sensitive info in error messages. This includes:

  • Database login details
  • API keys
  • Other secret data

To stop info leaks:

  • Use general error messages
  • Make custom error types

Logging Errors Safely

Logging errors helps fix issues, but do it safely. Use a main logging service like AWS CloudWatch or Azure Application Insights.

These services offer:

Feature Benefit
Log filtering Find specific errors easily
Encryption Keep log data safe
Access controls Limit who can see logs

Setting Up Error Alerts

Quick responses to big errors are important. Use services like AWS CloudWatch or PagerDuty for alerts.

These tools let you:

Action Result
Set alert levels Get notified for serious issues
Choose how to be alerted Get messages via email, text, etc.
Manage incidents Track and solve problems faster

By setting up alerts, you can:

  • Reduce downtime
  • Keep your app working well

9. Do Regular Security Checks

Checking your serverless network often helps keep it safe. This means finding and fixing weak spots, updating parts, and watching for odd activity.

Doing Security Audits

Check your serverless setup regularly to find weak spots. You can do this by hand or use tools. Here's what to look at:

Area to Check What to Do
IAM roles and policies Make sure they follow least privilege
API Gateway and Lambda Look for setup problems
VPC and subnets Check if they're set up safely

Security Audit Tools

Use these tools to help with security checks:

These tools give reports on security problems and rule-breaking, making it easier to find and fix issues.

Updating Serverless Parts

Keep your serverless parts up to date to stay safe. Update these often:

  • Lambda function code
  • API Gateway settings
  • VPC settings

Use AWS CodePipeline and AWS CodeBuild to make updates easier and faster.

Using Automated Testing

Automated testing helps find security issues early. Use these tools:

Tool What It Does
AWS CodeBuild Runs tests automatically
AWS CodePipeline Helps deploy code safely


Summary of Best Practices

We've covered nine key ways to keep serverless networks safe in AWS:

Practice Description
Least privilege access Give users only the permissions they need
Protect API gateways Secure the main entry point for clients
Use VPCs for sensitive tasks Create private networks for extra safety
Use strong encryption Keep data safe when stored and moving
Track network activity Watch for issues and fix them quickly
Use Web Application Firewall Stop common web attacks
Protect data storage Keep S3 buckets and DynamoDB tables safe
Handle errors safely Avoid showing sensitive info in error messages
Do regular security checks Find and fix weak spots often

Keeping Your Network Safe

Keeping your serverless network safe is not a one-time job. You need to:

  • Watch your network all the time
  • Update your setup when needed
  • Get better at spotting new threats

By following these steps and always thinking about safety, you can:

  • Lower risks
  • Stop security problems
  • Keep your serverless apps working well


How to secure a serverless application?

To keep a serverless app safe:

Action Description
Protect functions Set up security at the function level
Limit roles Give functions only the access they need
Check code Look for bad or unsafe code
Use API gateways Control access to your app
Watch and log Keep an eye on what your functions do


  • Set up good access control (IAM)
  • Use strong encryption to protect data

What security considerations are important when implementing serverless event-driven systems?

When setting up serverless event-driven systems, watch out for these risks:

Risk Description
Event-data injection Bad data sent to functions
Broken authentication Weak or missing login checks
Unsafe code Bugs or flaws in your app code
Third-party issues Problems with outside code you use
Too much access Functions with more permissions than needed

To stay safe:

  • Use good access control (IAM)
  • Encrypt your data well

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